About Me
Abby Malchow
Abby Malchow
For the first 10 years of my career, I proudly served on active duty in the U.S. Navy, retiring after 20+ years as a Logistics Specialist (LS) Chief Petty Officer in the Navy Reserves. During my service, I deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, led teams of 50+ sailors, and developed a diverse skillset in logistics, operations, inventory management, procurement, contracting, and budget management.
Upon leaving active duty I pursued higher education, earning a Bachelor of Business Administration (cum laude) from the University of San Diego, followed by a Master of Business Administration from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. This academic foundation enabled a seamless transition to the private sector, where I have achieved success at Intel Corporation and Amazon. Currently, I am a Senior Business Development Manager at Amazon, leading the Small Business Partnerships & Education team.
Service and advocacy have been fundamental to my professional and personal life. Outside of my corporate roles, I have regularly volunteered my time and expertise to drive positive change for my fellow veterans, primarily focused on mental health and suicide prevention initiatives. This includes dedicated work with organizations such as Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, The President George W. Bush Presidential Center, American Corporate Partners, The Mission Continues, and the Women in Military Service for America Foundation among many others.
As I embark on my entrepreneurial journey as a small business owner, I will continue to lead with integrity and set an exemplary standard for others to follow.
It is a well-known fact that readers may be distracted by the content of a page while focusing on its layout. The purpose of using Lorem Ipsum is to provide text that mimics the natural flow of readable English. This is better than using placeholder text like “Content here, content here.” Many desktop publishing packages and web editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default text. A search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will show many websites still in their early stages. Over the years, various versions have evolved. These changes happened either by accident or intentionally, often to include humorous content.
If you’re interested in selling your business please schedule a discovery call so we can learn more about each other!
Copyright © 2024 Abby Malchow
Disclaimer: I do not provide one on one consulting services to teach small businesses how to sell in Amazon's store. Please note this is a personal venture and not affiliated with Amazon and its subsidiaries.